Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today I truly thought about what I was thankful for.
Usually I just bitch about having to drive around to see family and eat to much. Worry about when Shane will fit a nap in or if I will forget his diapers. Again.
I'm holiday jaded. But i guess having a child tugs me back every time I'm on the brink of total douchbagury. Thank god.
I stopped and thought about it today for real.
I still have family to bitch about, multiple generations and in-laws actually.
I have a home to complain about, that only has a small amount owed till its mine.
We have the money to fund my over indulgence in the vast varieties of sides.
My child is healthy and so very amazing.
I'm in relative good health.
I'm not serving over seas.
And my jeep sorta works still!
So really I drone on and on about how annoying my holidays are but I am damn blessed.
I am often sad. Often emotionally draining. Wanting more out of every aspect of my life but if I just sat back an looked over what I have I should really just shut my mouth and enjoy it.
Hope all are safe. Happy and full.
Im working on it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I'm still actually doing the weekly photo taking adventure, surprising. Ive done it two weeks longer than I thought I would. I'm on the third week. I am behind but I'm trudging along. The second week was "life"

I went to the bar on Friday night. In an attempt to reconnect with my former self, my old life. The expectations were set high. Seeing as I hold going out on a pedestal. A pedestal built of memories of sloppy nights, dancing, attempting to look attractive, eating junk at 2am and seeing people, lots of them.

above photo taken 2006

This was my 3rd try at going out and reliving this since Shane was born. I quickly discovered that my wardrobe is sub par, things are expensive, I'm only good at doing the running man, and this old gray mule she ain't what she used to be. BUT neither is the bar scene. It's the same crap just with a different face or should I say the same crap just the faces are more haggard..
My girlfriend and I discussed how we are not quite sure if it's us that really changed or the times. I think it may just be both. Not to sure.
But what I do know is that my life is different now. Its low key, bordering on boring. My sense of humor is drastically different. I now find my 16 month old funnier than most people I know. If i want to get down with my bad self I can turn on the Xbox kinect and shimmy shimmy shake or rock out in the kitchen (which i do regularly anyway). Sure it's fun to go out blow off some steam but it will never be what it used to be. Tho I can always relive it with one of the 1000's of pictures ive taken over the years
This is my new life.

And I like it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Here we go again

Well. It's a new year and Ive got the same itch that needs to be scratched.
Do more. Live more. Take less from the Debbie downers of my life.
And of course taking pictures and keeping a blog? Right? Right!

So I've been roped into doing a 52 week picture posting deal by two of my girl friends. Whom I might add take amazing photo's and make me leery to post any of mine but frig it I'll take a stab at anything at least once..

On she give a word and you photograph what you interpret the word to be in your life and you then post to . There are droves of people doing it and it's fascinating to see into other people lives through a picture. Take a peek if you'd like.

First week "Resolution"

This is my Shit or get off the pot Resolution. It's time to start harnessing the things I want out of life instead of waiting for it to just fall in my lap.

I've been thrown quite a few punches in this short year so far but I'd like to think I can roll with the best.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Buttered Biscuits and metal bowls.

Ha! I have a living breathing beautiful prop. So many pictures so little memory card room.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday like any other tuesday

Here I am again. Starting out my newest bloggings with " Oh hi, it's been awhile." But I really do have an excuse. One is I totally forgot about it and two I made a boy kid. Yes yes Ive been a busy little girl!
Here's a quick run down:

One September 9th 2010 we welcomed a new member to the house. Shane baby was born on our 4th anniversary. Pretty neat I might say. He's perfect in every way and he's pretty much the only thing I photograph now a days.

We had a super hard core winter and buildings fell down.

Ive played a zombie in the movie adaptation of Steve Niles "Remains"
Super fun. Hurry up and waits but made me want to go back to school for film or photographing for reals or something. It's not going to happen cause Im lazy and always want to go back to school. It's like that shiny star in the sky you stare at but you know it's a majillion miles away.
And last but not least my mother and I started an online clothing store. All vintage! Go us.
Check it out and buy our stuff!

Now that leads us up to Tuesday. It's nice out. The dogs are in the yard basking in the sun, Shane's is sleeping for the time being and I'm thinking about having a glass of wine.. Even tho it's only 11am. Shut up don't judge

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gone brush your shoulders off

Oh winter time. You wicked bitch you.
Makes for Melisa not wanting to go outside in the cold and photograph times. But It did how ever make for Melisa an Ryan make a baby times. HAHAHAHH!!! Silly winter.

Back to my point. So it's cold and I haven't photographed anything in a while. But I have been editing some of my older stuff and liking what I see to the point where I'm almost excited to take pictures other than my gut for a change.
Here is a hodge podge of pictures.
This was taken during early fall in Norwich Ct. Pretty area. But it was such a grey day

T's fields right up the road from my house in Stafford. Out walking the dog.
Which I might add i got yelled at by some disgruntled old folks driving up the road. Cause I was taking a picture and I tethered my dog up on the other side of the street. I got the finger.
Stupid old people.

And Jess. Who since this was taken has lost some crazy amount of weight and lobbed off all her hair.

So to sum things up.. This is how I feel about winter. It's dumb an I hate it. But I live in New England so I should just suck it up. Old folks get angry at the stupidest things, and Im having a baby!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Parsonage

It's been awhile.
How are you?
How's the family?
So... how bout that weather we're having?
I know!!

Anyways; a whole boat load of things have happened. And I've been clicking away with the camera and such but then again i am much to lazy to be bothered with blogging. Ive got more important things to do. Like sipping wine, going to the bar, sitting on the sofa, watching movies, complaining about boogers on my side of the couch and doing the dishes.

Getting on with the chase.. Here is some shots of an amazing building that was torn down on my road a while back. Most referred to it in town as the Parsonage nothing more. Kinda like Cher or Madonna. Just "The Parsonage". It was old, history rich, and falling down. Many people have wanted to buy it for years with no avail. So, the town just tore it down.
My mother cried, the crew smiled and we watched.
It groaned, it shook, and it held strong.
The sky stopped snowing, the sun came out, and then we heard it sigh its last breath.

Here's a few shots like i kinda like out of the bunch.