Friday, June 19, 2009

JMH Jamboree

Liz and I had to wander around the Johnson Memorial Hospital company whodiee doo on June 6th wasn't all that bad in the long run.

Tho this guy might beg to differ.
He was the owner operator of Velma's wicked delicious Kettle Corn
Go to
You can see the wicked ridiculous write up they did on it in the "Gigs from Hell" section.
HEH. Good stuff. Go JMH GO~!
This woman was nice enough to not think I was completly cracked up when I layed down in front of her. What a stand up gal.

So like I said. In the long run it wasn't so bad. Except the extreme exposure to sunlight on two of the pastiest females ever created....

We could have used Fire Man to put out this heat!

If we dont have it you dont need it.

I work at a local general store in my town. Straight up mom and pop store. They dont have many of these around anymore. Its quaint.
Rickety floors, screen doors, the candy isle is worn in the 10c candy section, and everyone knows everyone. It's older than dirt.
Seriously if we don't have it you really don't need it. Cause we literally have EVERYTHING

Anyways there is a lovely little pond behind the store. In the mornings, I enjoy just standing out there watching the pond and everything come to life around it. Picture Esq you might say, with the cow pasture across the way, the traditional red barn yadda yadda. Pleasant and relaxing. So needless to say i attempted to photograph it.

Mill Pond in May 5:30 am

Tuned in

Seeing as the slacker that lurks in me at all times kicked into high gear, I haven't done this in quite sometime. I have however been photographing quite a bit.


So I guess I'm just going to throw down some photo's then come back and fiddle with things then throw down some more. Just to speed things up a smidge.

Or I wont. I may fall back into my stoner ways an completely forget about it again for another two months. Stay tuned. Or not.