Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday like any other tuesday

Here I am again. Starting out my newest bloggings with " Oh hi, it's been awhile." But I really do have an excuse. One is I totally forgot about it and two I made a boy kid. Yes yes Ive been a busy little girl!
Here's a quick run down:

One September 9th 2010 we welcomed a new member to the house. Shane baby was born on our 4th anniversary. Pretty neat I might say. He's perfect in every way and he's pretty much the only thing I photograph now a days.

We had a super hard core winter and buildings fell down.

Ive played a zombie in the movie adaptation of Steve Niles "Remains"
Super fun. Hurry up and waits but made me want to go back to school for film or photographing for reals or something. It's not going to happen cause Im lazy and always want to go back to school. It's like that shiny star in the sky you stare at but you know it's a majillion miles away.
And last but not least my mother and I started an online clothing store. All vintage! Go us.
Check it out and buy our stuff!

Now that leads us up to Tuesday. It's nice out. The dogs are in the yard basking in the sun, Shane's is sleeping for the time being and I'm thinking about having a glass of wine.. Even tho it's only 11am. Shut up don't judge