Sunday, January 22, 2012


I'm still actually doing the weekly photo taking adventure, surprising. Ive done it two weeks longer than I thought I would. I'm on the third week. I am behind but I'm trudging along. The second week was "life"

I went to the bar on Friday night. In an attempt to reconnect with my former self, my old life. The expectations were set high. Seeing as I hold going out on a pedestal. A pedestal built of memories of sloppy nights, dancing, attempting to look attractive, eating junk at 2am and seeing people, lots of them.

above photo taken 2006

This was my 3rd try at going out and reliving this since Shane was born. I quickly discovered that my wardrobe is sub par, things are expensive, I'm only good at doing the running man, and this old gray mule she ain't what she used to be. BUT neither is the bar scene. It's the same crap just with a different face or should I say the same crap just the faces are more haggard..
My girlfriend and I discussed how we are not quite sure if it's us that really changed or the times. I think it may just be both. Not to sure.
But what I do know is that my life is different now. Its low key, bordering on boring. My sense of humor is drastically different. I now find my 16 month old funnier than most people I know. If i want to get down with my bad self I can turn on the Xbox kinect and shimmy shimmy shake or rock out in the kitchen (which i do regularly anyway). Sure it's fun to go out blow off some steam but it will never be what it used to be. Tho I can always relive it with one of the 1000's of pictures ive taken over the years
This is my new life.

And I like it.

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